Fun games with PlanetPlasters


Group games are a great way engage people and have some fun… and no, in the current climate crisis, this isn’t like playing the violin on the Titanic, we really can save ourselves!!!... and that's an amazing statement in itself! 

So, here are a few games to get you going. Be creative by making up your own! Share them and we’ll add them to the list with a credit, only the best ones of course 😆! 

A simple group game consisting of 1-6 billion people. OK, somewhat optimistic but you get the picture… the more the merrier!

Arrange a group meeting point🤝📍. After distributing a pack of PlanetPlasters to everyone, a group photo of the participants starts the game. The aim is to stick the PlanetPlasters onto the climate-changing or polluting items, taking a photo of each one. The first person to tag all 46 plaster photos + location to our FB page (@PlanetPlastersRebel) is the winner. If you don’t want to stop there, there’s always a wooden spoon (last place) to be won! 😆

But be careful: any wrongly-tagged items will result in instant disqualification: 10 minutes in the sin-bin and ridicule from your teammates… and us for that matter! You can also enjoy this game during an XR protest breakout! Have fun!

A group game with as many participants as you can muster!

Arrange a group meeting point🤝📍: in town, along the high street, up a mountain etc. This will be your rendezvous. After distributing a pack of PlanetPlasters to each participant, start the game with a group photo of the happy participants.... Cheese🧀 📷!

The aim is to stick the PlanetPlasters onto the climate-changing or polluting items, taking a photo of each one. Then, it’s back to the rendezvous. Once all the party members are back, simultaneously upload your photos to FB, hashtag us @PlanetPlastersRebel... and don't forget to tag the location! The person with the most photos is the winner🏁. Be careful, as any wrongly added plasters will mean instant disqualification. Game posts will appear on our FB community tab!

This group game can take a week to crown a winner! The good news is you can challenge friends, groups, office departments, rival companies, sports groups etc.

After tagging a polluting item with a PlanetPlaster, take a photo, hashtag the offending company with a comment, e.g. “do we seriously need this polluting rubbish?” (or more colourful language of your choice!). The winner is the first person in the group to get a greenwashing reply from the offender and tag our FB account (@PlanetPlastersRebel).

Enjoy the mayhem! oh...we mean games!😀