By WTFRebel - 10th july 2023

Planet of the Humans... WTF?

It’s no coincidence that this 'film' was released on the eve of Earth Day. Well, if you wanted to release a climate change/environmental film you'd be nuts not to right? With the world in lockdown – and probably to avoid close scrutiny from pre-release film critics – it was released on YouTube. I say it’s a film… but only climate deniers or fossil fuel junkies would think this was anything but a croc-of-💩!

It's not really worth my time debunking this click-bait film, George Monbiot’s excellent article in the Guardian 'How did Michael Moore become a hero to climate deniers and the far right?' summed up my thoughts perfectly. Josh Fox and Dave Borlace also do a pretty good job in the videos below, or you can read various other reviews HERE.  All these reviews are probably more reliable than the ones on the film poster... "Possibly the most bracing environmental documentary ever made" - nonfictional film? What planet are you on – or even from??! This film is pure fiction... did they actually watch this steaming pile of 💩?

And just who exactly is Jeff Gibbs anyway? A long-time collaborator of Michael Moore apparently. I've also heard, dare I say it, that he is an environmentalist. Well, not eating frogs’ legs doesn't make me an environmentalist either. So, Jeff Gibbs is the writer, director and producer... oh and the narrator also? He of the wonderfully monotonous voice. And the tree on the back right in the middle of the film (they couldn’t find real ones)… Personally I would sack whoever cast him as narrator. Oh, that wasn’t you by any chance, was it Jeff?

Talking of Micheal Moore, what else did he actually do except for cashing the cheque for putting his name on this hokum? Probably just trying to give an old mate some desperately-needed legitimacy to sell this unpolished turd!

And the motive behind this poorly researched film? The climate change movement had been gathering steam before COVID-19 raised its ugly head. When it did, ‘Planet of the Humans’ had already been made. Which makes you think: much of the footage is old, some going back 10 years, there’s hardly any recent footage. Could it be that this ‘film’ was sitting the shelf waiting, ready to be thrown into the fan at the optimal moment? What better time than with the world in COVID-19 lockdown watching nothing but Netflix and YouTube Vids, eh? And who better to execute it, to give it some sort of credibility? An environmentalist? You tell me😀.....